WordPress News 60

WP News: WooCommerce Hosting and its peculiarities & protection against brute force attacks

Before it goes into the well-deserved weekend, we have as always the latest WordPress news for you: The WP community celebrates 15 years of WordPress and the Gutenberg- plugin gets its 30th update. We also have a podcast about GDPR and photo rights. And we show you what you should consider when hosting your WooCommerce store.

4 things you have to consider when hosting WooCommerce

With the WooCommerce-plugin you can turn your WordPress-site into a functional online store in no time. Unfortunately, many site owners forget that a store has special hosting requirements due to its special functionalities. For this reason, we will show you which specifications and optimization measures are particularly important for WooCommerce hosting.

WP News: WooCommerce Hosting and its peculiarities & protection against brute force attacks

XML-RPC: The built-in WP vulnerability that hardly anyone knows about

Actually, XML-RPC serves as an interface for webmasters and developers. But since it is hardly used, it is one thing above all for many sites: a security risk. Bots and hackers can abuse it for brute force attacks. To prevent this, you can now disable XML-RPC at Raidboxes and make your site much more secure. We show how the XML-RPC blocker works, what XML-RPC actually is and explain how brute force attacks work.


15 years of WordPress - A story with ups and downs
On 27. Mai the WP community celebrated the 15th birthday of our favorite CMS. Michael Nelson took this milestone as an opportunity to look back at the beginnings of WordPress. If you don't know the story yet, out of which crisis WordPress was born 15 years ago and which hurdles have already been overcome, you will learn many exciting WP "Fun Facts" in Nelson's retrospective.

The 30th Gutenberg update is here!
The update of the Gutenberg plugin to version 3.0 brings us a long list of improvements and fixes. Matias Ventura - co-lead of the Gutenberg team - highlights three highlights of the 30th Gutenberg update: an improved UX of the block inserter, the distinction between child and parent blocks in the inserter, and extended capabilities for theme styles.

Why there are many small businesses with poor WP sites
Fred Meyer of WPShout addresses the issue that many WordPress sites, created for small businesses, are of poor quality: "Small business website clients tend to suffer the largest gap between what WordPress can be, and how it's implemented on their own projects." Meyer looks at the problem from both a client and developer perspective and provides an interesting proposed solution.


What WP businesses say about their favorite and least favorite clients
Our colleagues at CodeinWP asked 32 agencies, freelancers and WP companies what kind of clients they prefer to work with and which clients ring alarm bells. The WP professionals interviewed not only share exciting (horror) stories, but also have many valuable tips on how you can best deal with problematic client relationships.

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Podcast: GDPR and photo law - What is still permitted?
In their podcast "Rechtsbelehrung" (legal instruction), Marcus Richter and attorney Dr. Thomas Schwenke explain to you in an entertaining way what the situation is with photo law under GDPR . Together with their guest Lars Rieck - a specialist lawyer for copyright and media law - they explore, among other things, the question of the extent to which photographing people is still permissible at all.

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