Our WordPress hosting prices
for Agencies & Freelancers

We're taking our infrastructure to the next level for more performance, security and flexibility. Celebrate with us now:

  • Our new servers
  • Double the power for your Boxes
  • Advanced Varnish caching
  • Even more security

Our mission is to make it as easy as possible for you to create and manage your WordPress projects with our WordPress hosting for agencies and freelancers.

Smart project managementDynamic flexibilityMaximum securityFree migration service
You manage all your projects conveniently in one Dashboard. You can seamlessly hand over finished websites to your customers while remaining the admin yourself.
Customers want to see results yesterday? Show your progress: test changes conveniently in Staging and push them live with one click when you're ready.
Features such as SSL, daily website backups, automatic updates, login protection and IP blocking minimize potential security risks.
We move a copy of your website within two working days. The migration is secure and without any obligation. 
  • Free WordPress hosting during development
  • Super simple subscription transfers
  • Earn attractive commissions